Refill Policy

Prescription Refill Policy

Did you receive a prescription from Dr. Jones? Please note the number of refills (bottom left corner of the prescription).

Typically, 11 refills are given, which will allow you to refill this medication for 1 year. The law requires us to see you at least once a year to provide additional refills. When you have only 1 or 2 refills remaining, please call us to make a follow up appointment for medication renewal, and another year of refills will be provided.

If you use a mail away pharmacy that requires a 90 supply of your medication (as most of them do), please let the doctor know before she writes the prescription. If you have already received the prescription, please bring it back into our office and Dr. Jones can make it say 90 day supply.

If you have not been seen in over a year, and you call for us to refill your medication, we will not be able to do this for you, until you are seen.

Please note that if we are calling in a medication for you, it may take 3-5 business days to process your request. If you run out of refills before the end of a year, you may be using too much of your medicine and should follow up to discuss proper use.

Thank you.
Office staff